This Heavy object makes you walk more slowly while carrying it, but can be used as a weapon by activating your powered melee. Finish killing the rest of the Cabal enemies and pick up the Fuel Canister. Take out the Imperial Cannoneer enemy and it will drop an item on the ground. Begin by heading towards the diamond-shaped quest marker straight ahead and fight off the Cabal reinforcements.
You'll begin on Mars with the task of finding Savathûn. Both have a recommended Power level of 1360, although Legendary offers better rewards.
To begin, select a difficulty for the Campaign, either Standard or Legendary. Upon loading up Destiny 2, you'll view a short cutscene involving Ikora Rey and Eris Morn on Mars as they discover the Cabal are about to mobilize against a new target - Savathûn. The Arrival is the first Campaign mission of Destiny 2's The Witch Queen expansion.